J&B Equipment, Inc.

Established in 1996, J & B Equipment, Inc. is a family owned company specializing in the forestry and logging industry. We buy, sell, and trade used forestry machinery, repair and maintain equipment, and have a full service parts counter for all your logging needs. We have a vast used equipment inventory and are exclusive distributors for Oregon, Sugi-hara, Wix filters, Gates hydraulic hose fittings, and Elite Trailers. We are able to serve all types and sizes of operations in the logging industry.

<a href="https://www.freepik.com/photos/wood-texture">Wood texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com</a>

- Forestry Equipment Repair
- Full Service AutoParts Store
- Tune-Ups
- Delivery of Equipment
- Local Parts Delivery
- Mailing parts via UPS
- Buy/Sell/Trade Used Forestry Equipment
- Sell AutoValue Autoparts
- Buyers of Standing Timber